Saturday, August 29, 2015

Look Out For Scammers

Has anyone ever received a message from a user, saying, "Hey. Nice artwork. Here. Click this to get a free upgrade!"? I got one from a now banned user named sanju93567. This is exactly what he sent me:

sanju93567 said the following:

Hey artist,

I just came across your artwork and it looks really awesome.

You got a unique style .

You should check this out as well:

(Insert suspicious link here)
It offers a free upgrade for your account!
Just thought I would letg you know about that, as it might get you a bit more exposure with the free upgraded membership ,anyways you should keep up the good work!

Cheers and good luck

I'm sure we all got one of those at least once, depending on how active you are in posting your work. Want to know what rose the red flags to it being one of those tracking/scammer/grabbing your information links? It wasn't the obvious horrid spelling or grammar. Nope. TINYURL was the obvious hint. As a former admin of three different servers and highly cautious about what links I click, the common use for those who are trying to hack your accounts or nab your information is the use of Tinyurl. THIS IS A WARNING TO ALL DEVIANTS! Do not trust any tinyurl links! At all, no matter what!

Want to see my response? No? Oh well! Here it is!

Re: (no subject)
from @Chibis-World
to sanju93567
Thanks. How about I stick to people actually purchasing my time to make them unique work rather than clicking a link I have no idea what it really leads to. Or someone could be kind enough and just get me the upgrade to a Core member. Now if you wish to be kind enough to send me $129 to get my van out of impound, that would be great.

However, it isn't just the tinyurl links you need to look out for on here. Hell, not even just here. You know those fake celebrity death news sites? Or those telling you about some new disease spreading to (insert select country here)? Don't trust them. Sure, some are legitimately leading to some jumpscare or something like The Onion, but it is best to not trust them.

On a group I am part of on Facebook called Creepypasta and Deviant Art, there WAS a post talking about some new disease that is sweeping the United States.'s not real. First off, the image they used was taken from a makeup tutorial and the claim was from a now debunked claim about some disease or burrowing insect that gave the appearance as though you have holes in your body, which turned out to be photoshopped this entire time. It led to a blogspot page called "Thainews", coded to force you to log out of your Facebook and have a supposed Facebook log in box there. It's another phishing link and, thanks to my tablet, multiple accounts, and alerts of attempted log in to my main account, any attempts to entering my account was destroyed. (The hacker needs a special code to enter and the code only lasts 15 seconds. To get the code, they would need access to my Android tablet, which they do not.) Yes, those little links can be all fun and games, but because of those jokes, a lot of accounts have been hacked into because people thought the link lead to another joke. It is becoming more and more common on Facebook and I fear for those who do not truly know that they are risking a chance of being hacked into.

Always look up the information before clicking the link! That's right, actually use your preferred search engine to look this up. Why should we do this? It helps reduce your risk of being hacked into through phishing sites. Some new deadly disease? Look it up first. Your favorite celebrity died recently? Look it up. Always look it up no matter what! Utilize the internet to its full potential and do your research. You would be amazed at how much safer would feel when you learn that this new disease that seems to be sweeping your country is actually just a joke or completely faked all together. Common sense is slowly dying and it is making me lose hope for these people. Use common sense. Research before clicking.

Scammers, phishers, hackers, they are not limited to just your commonplace sites. They are everywhere. They're, even, in your favorite games. Your phones are not immune to viruses or hacking. Your tablets are not immune either. So watch what you do, everyone. It is very important. As a commonly used meme says, "Don't click on any suspicious links". Have a great day/morning/night everyone.

~Artist Chibi~

Note: In the original message from sanju to me, I removed the link for safety purposes. I will not be linking that tinyurl to my followers/watchers. I know better than that.

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