Welcome to Chibi's World. Anything can happen here, well, almost anything. No one can die. They just "fade" away. ENJOY YOUR STAY!
I am Artist, your host to Chibi's World. I have a husband, two children, a silly sister, and, apparently, a father-in-law that's a demi-god. O.o
This website is about how anything can happen in your own imagination. The paper and pen/pencil are your tools. The sky is your limit.
The meaning behind "In Chibi's World, I am god.":
My "Chibi's World" name is Artist Chibi. My last name is Chibi. What is common in anime? Characters calling each other by their last name. Conclusion: "In Chibi's World, I am god" = "I control everything in my imagination".
That's right. You control what goes on in your imagination. Don't let other people stop you. Grab a pencil, some paper, and draw/write/create to your heart's content.
That's right. You control what goes on in your imagination. Don't let other people stop you. Grab a pencil, some paper, and draw/write/create to your heart's content.