Friday, October 30, 2015

ARTIST PLAYS - Old School Gaming


It's Artist Chibi. Sorry I have not been very active lately. I have been having problems with my internet and lack of inspiration for drawings, but today, I want to ask you all to do me a super big favor!!!

Make me the perfect "ARTIST PLAYS" thumbnail for old school gaming such as Final Fantasy 7, Earthbound for the SNES, and even some older than that. It's like a little contest thing to test your creative skills and the winner gets a drawing from me, no restrictions. That's right. NO RESTRICTIONS! That means it can even be something I wouldn't normally do. But note, anything sexually explicit or just flat out passed the G rating will NOT be posted onto here, Facebook, or even my Deviantart page. It would only be sent to you and you alone. I will not be choosing which is the best as that would be biased of me since I do interact with some of my fans who are really great drawers. So at the end of the submission stage, the drawings will be put into a poll for others to decide which they think is the best.

Here are the rules and what I am looking for:

  • The drawing has to be of Artist (myself) with some reference to older games, such as sprites from the old NES, Playstation, even Atari games. Or the consoles.
  • Artist cannot be too detail. Stick to somewhat close to how I do my drawings.
  • DO NOT make Artist look like one of those dweebish idiot wannabe female gamers. You know those kinds. The overly sexualized girls with their tongue all over an XBox controller, claiming to be playing some PS3/4 game?
  • Any swearing done in speech bubbles, if you choose to do that, must be in random characters. (EXAMPLE: #$%&*@) I want to try to keep my videos a bit cleaner so I'm trying to lessen the amount of swearing I do when playing some of these games for the first time.
  • Artist can be a Chibi style or non-Chibi style. That does not matter, much, as long as it complies with the "no over the top detail" part of the rules.
  • Artist must be wearing something to reference older school style for like teachers. Not your modern day types.
  • You can color it in, just as long as Artist has the blonde hair, blue eyes, and black ears/tail.
  • If you wish for me to color it in, instead, submit the drawing as a .psd file, otherwise submit it as a .png file.
  • Please send it as an attached file. Any sent as a link to Imgur, Photobucket, Deviantart, or anywhere else will be ignored and not submitted.
  • The drawings have to be 1024 by 640 pixels. This will help others see it as well as make it easier to load as a thumbnail for videos.
  • Remember to have fun and don't stress.

The contest will end December 18th, 2015, as I need time to find some good old school games to record playing and to help you all not stress so much about this drawing. Submissions will end November 24th, 2015 (my youngest nephew's birthday) and a poll set up a day or two after.

Please submit your drawings to:
Subject: Chibi's World drawing contest
(IMPORTANT: If the subject is not labeled as "Chibi's World drawing contest", the email will be automatically deleted. This is to avoid any spam from bots and scammers.)

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